Data dodania: 2024-11-26
Teamwork in classes: collaboration and teamwork. Nov, 28! Join us!
Building excellence in teaching WP 2.2 “Teach the teacher” program 2024-2027. Workshops 2: “Teamwork in classes. Techniques for fostering collaboration and teamwork among students to promote a cooperative and inclusive learning environment”
Trainers: Małgorzata Kostrzewska, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., Roman Ruczyński, Ph.D., Eng., Arch. from Gdańsk University of Technology.
Date: November 28, 2024. Time: 2 pm-3.30 pm.
During the training, we want to talk about the essence and role of teamwork in engineering education as a key competence for future professional life. We also want to draw attention to other competences that teamwork skills develop and support. An important aspect will be the shaping of creativity through teamwork. We will also talk about identifying team roles in teamwork, as well as ways of assessing the work of students working in teams. We will share our experience of academic didactics at the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk Tech, but we also hope to exchange experiences of teachers from other universities.
We warmly invite you to the training!
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