DIDACTIC FRIDAY: How to integrate active coding into existing lectures and curricula? | Centrum Nowoczesnej Edukacji PG

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DIDACTIC FRIDAY: How to integrate active coding into existing lectures and curricula?

26 January 2024 13:15 - 15:00

"Didactic Fridays" is a program of monthly methodological and tool training sessions designed to benefit academic teachers from all disciplines. We warmly invite teachers from all higher education institutions in Europe and beyond. This program is designed as a space for mutual inspiration, enabling the exchange of experiences and the collaborative search for solutions. Our sessions will take place on the last Friday of every month, from 13:15 to 15:00 CET (Central European Time).

At the first edition of Didactic Fridays, Dr. Urs Brändle will be our honored guest with a presentation on Learn Science, Master Code: How to integrate active coding into existing lectures and curricula.

Urs Brändle is the Project Manager for Computational Competencies and works in the Rector's Office at ETH Zurich in Switzerland. He also has experience as a lecturer in the Department of Environmental Systems Science. Aware that digitization is becoming increasingly pervasive in all thematic areas of the modern world, he sees the enormous potential in computational competencies. They can enhance the methods applied in practically any field of study. Therefore, he is involved in developing computational technologies and using computational modelling in all programs of study at ETH Zurich. His presentation is titled: Learn Science, Master Code: How to integrate active coding into existing lectures and curricula “At ETH, computational competencies are fostered by creating learning paths along study programs where students can deepen their computational knowledge in domain specific courses. I will present the didactic and technological tools for this process. There will be time for discussions on who similar approaches could be implemented at other universities.

Join us on Friday, January 26th, at 13:15 on the Microsoft Teams!