Date added: 2022-02-09
The Didactic Innovation Competition

The aim of the competition is to develop and implement innovative didactic solutions that will enrich the didactic achievements of the university and contribute to its further development, such as new elements related to the effectiveness of the didactic process, flexible learning paths, experimental and interdisciplinary classes, trial implementations and pilot applications of new methods and forms of learning as part of the education offer of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Representatives of all departments and didactic centers, vice-rector for education, chairman of the Senate Education Committee, director of the Center for Innovative Education and a specialist for innovation in education were appointed to the Competition Jury.
The basic criterion for evaluating the projects was innovation, understood as originality and novelty of the proposed didactic solutions.
The detailed criteria for assessing the application in the innovation category are:
- a new element of the didactic offer,
- uniqueness on the university scale,
- scope of innovation,
- availability of innovation,
- sustainability of innovation.
The competition jury also considered applications for additional criteria:
- creating interdisciplinary curricula, learning programs related to distance education and lifelong learning,
- the use of e-learning and blended learning as well as new information and communication technologies (ICT),
- connection with conducting classes in foreign languages,
- considering activities involving foreign students and counteracting social exclusion.
Commercial applications were excluded from the competition and included in the cost estimate remuneration for teaching classes included in the teaching load or regular didactic consultations, as well as expenses related to the applicant's scientific activity financed from other sources.
In the 1st editions the jury selected 11 projects, including: virtual reality, 3D modeling, simulation games, gamification, a program supporting the decision-making process, innovative physical laboratory, building a modern multimedia educational resource base.
The winner projects:
"Attention, breakdown!" - biology in environmental engineering: new threats and challenges. A computer role-playing game in which participants must face tasks and challenges, the basis of the game's plot is the content included in the subject's program. The climax of the game is the news of the failure of the sewage collector, the knowledge gathered during the classes will allow the participants to solve the problem, but it requires gathering an appropriately equipped team (work in project groups in the second part of the semester). Gamification, problem-based learning, teamwork, peer-learning.
Polish-English gamification will save the world! Two tasks will be carried out in the project: designing an interactive application to support student activity in the gamified course of biophysics and preparation of teaching materials for the course in Polish and English. Thanks to the application, students will move into the world of the game by implementing educational goals in it, gamified classes inspire motivation to learn, increase regularity, arouse positive emotions, and students acquire elements for building virtual houses for pollinating insects, which are the equivalent of points for quizzes and reports, achieve the goal social, which is caring for pollinating insects. Thanks to the mission in the game, it acquires an ecological and social character.
Permanent integration of content and intensification of learning outcomes: history of architecture, history of urban planning. Introducing activating learning methods and building multimedia resources of teaching materials. Discursive teaching, active work of students, learning through multi-sensory experiences, methods of active description (meta-plan, mental maps, comparative analyzes, timeline technique), manual exercises, the use of modern media techniques (podcasts, films recorded by students). The draft provides for a change in the study program.
Virtual Reality (VR) in designing the hull structure, application for android and IOS systems. An extensive application, thanks to which it will be possible to take a virtual walk around the interior of the ship's hull. Thanks to the goggles purchased and handed over to the reading room, students will be able to investigate previously inaccessible places, learn about the structure of the hull, the course of trusses and stiffeners. This will facilitate the understanding of the stress distribution and will bring closer the issues related to the technology. All information related to the project will be published on the website specially designed for the project. The downloadable application itself and its source code will also be placed there. Those interested will be able to undertake its expansion, extension with other elements, such as the course of various installations or information related to welding elements.
Playing not only on the pitch! - become Lewandowski of pipette and thermocycler. Synergy of modern analytical methods based on DNA detection with new teaching formats (gamification). The aim of the project is to implement gamification to increase motivation to work and make the content more attractive. Additionally, training conducted by experts in food research in industry will strengthen the interdisciplinary nature of the classes. Important aspects of the project are linking the course of classes and acquiring knowledge and skills with practical aspects, e.g., by showing the application in the detection of GMOs in products coming to ports and placing greater emphasis on the responsibility of students for the obtained results and their interpretation.
Virtual Laboratory of Electrical Machines. The aim of the project is designing interactive, three-dimensional models of electrical machines and devices that each student will be able to "take with him" thanks to VR goggles. The application will be developed towards the development of a computer game that will allow to strengthen students' involvement by introducing elements of gamification. The application will be implemented in the form of a computer game and will enable interactions (e.g., folding, and unfolding models).
Interactive decision making in civil engineering and environmental issues. Bilingual e-learning course, expert lectures, action, participation in the forum: implementation of modern educational techniques and decision-making techniques in engineering problems and improvement of practical skills in the use of software based on artificial intelligence and increasing students' communication skills. Using elements of development and academic tutoring.
Leonardo. The project includes 3D modeling and FEM / CFD simulations based on the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci based on the reproduction of his drawings. The aim of the project is to stimulate students to master 3D CAD / CAE tools by themselves through the implementation of inspiring exercises. The indirect goal is to encourage students to self-explore knowledge instead of passively waiting for the teacher to provide it by actively using FEM and CFD simulation software. This will allow students to acquire the practical skills of reading a technical drawing based on the interpretation of historical documentation. Thanks to the implementation of innovations, students will have the opportunity to analyze the reasons for the successes and failures of the genius inventor and understand the limitations posed by the dominant available technologies in the field of materials, their processing, as well as drive and control. As a result, students have a chance to be sensitized to the possibility of creating innovative projects and making qualitative breakthroughs using new technologies. This should encourage students to actively search for and implement novelties beyond a narrow specialization in the context of their professional development and innovation creation. Students will work in interdisciplinary teams, which additionally makes students better prepared to work in the future.
Introduction of personality tests, integration aspects and panel interaction in the designed topics for the lecture on Sociological and Psychological Aspects of Robotics and Automation (SPARA) The main goal of the planned innovation is to increase students' awareness of the aspects of modern technologies and their own personality. By introducing personality tests as part of the subject I am going to make students aware of the advantages and disadvantages of working with people representing various types of personality. Due to the content discussed, quite stormy discussions are expected. One of the examples of a controversial topic will be the ecological aspect in the context of using electric cars. During the course, two groups of students (representing different personality types) will debate, defending opposing theses: 'the electric car is an ecological invention' versus 'the ecology of electric cars is the driving force of consumerism in Europe'. The aim of the groups is to convince other participants of their thesis. Among other topics discussed during the classes, there will be, among others: ethics of LAWS (Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems), the influence of home / personal robots on the psyche, the economy of robbery - when they run out, the classes will be conducted in different places, which should stimulate ongoing discussions. Discussions will be open and streamed, and their content will be available. An additional goal of the project is to strengthen the integration of second-cycle students, including multicultural groups.
Virtual Laboratory of Concrete Structures "Concrete VR Lab". The aim of the project is to recreate the program of laboratory exercises in the subject of Concrete Structures in virtual reality. The program content covers the standard range of laboratories in the field of construction. The didactic innovation will be an additional element to enrich the Complex Concrete Structures subject in the field of Civil Engineering and will also allow international students to take advantage of the innovation. The scope of the laboratories will include non-destructive and destructive testing with the presentation of three failure mechanisms for reinforced concrete beams. The project will involve performing photogrammetric measurements of laboratory equipment, such as "Schmidt's Hammer" for the scope of non-destructive testing of concrete and measurement in video-photogrammetric destructive testing of concrete structures, which will present three main failure mechanisms of bending reinforced concrete beams (data will be obtained as part of part-time studies). Based on the measurements, a point cloud will be obtained, based on which the laboratory apparatus will be modeled. In the case of reinforced concrete elements subjected to destruction, the TIN mesh will be superimposed on the point cloud, which will be animated for individual load increments during the test. All content will be implemented in an interactive experience using the UNITY graphics engine. The experience will be supported by all VR headsets that support the OpenXR standard. For people who do not have their own headset, 3D panoramas, films and models of apparatus and research facility (Sketchfab models) available through the e-learning platform (Moodle) that can be viewed through a browser will be prepared. The project will be implemented in a team of two.
Concept of an innovative laboratory with computer-controlled exercises in physics. The development of the concept of a modern physics laboratory will be the initial stage of the modernization of the existing Physics Laboratory, which will ultimately be equipped with computer-controlled experimental sets, individually tailored to the needs of individual GUT departments. It is planned to develop instructions for students and teachers. The thematic scope of the laboratory exercises will be selected so that it will allow not only to learn the basic laws of physics, but also their applications in technology and interdisciplinary connections, with possible technical applications. Currently, none of the measuring sets for laboratory exercises in the 1st Physics Laboratory is computer controlled. Measuring stations designed in this way will create a space for learning about physical phenomena and the laws that govern them, as well as for active learning of practical computer science. This will increase the effectiveness of teaching and motivate students to independent, research work. The presence of a modern physics laboratory at GUT will be a huge technical leap in terms of educating students and will increase the attractiveness of the University on the local and national arena.
Didactic Fridays
Gamification at Gdansk Tech